Thursday, November 5, 2015

i have always wanted a husky puppy. pets make you much happier and they can entertain you when you got nothing to do.

Monday, October 26, 2015

things i hate

There are many things that make me mad. One thing that  tick me off is when people steal from me and when people blame me for something that I didn't do. Another thing that makes me mad is when I think about me dad.

There are many reasons why I don't like my father. One of the many reasons why I hate thinking about my dad is because he was always drunk. Many times, he would come home drunk. Every time he came home, I would be scared to sleep. My father always gambled on days. He always had no time but still went gambling when he has a family he has to take care of but his selfishness ruined it.

Friday, October 16, 2015

thinking back at my grades that i currently have i think that i deserve those grades because there are things that i should of done but i never did. if i was to try there were things i would've finished but i did not try. so yes if i don't try i would have gotten a worst grade then i currently have.

i have learned many things in the past quarter for example in math i learned things that i have never seen or knew. i learned that there are so many things that i don't know and there is a lot of questions that i want to ask.

with this knowledge i know that i should try and learn more things that i have never knew.

i don't think that there is anything i want the teacher to know.

in the future i will try to get straight a's  i want to anticipate the better

Monday, September 28, 2015

In robotics there are many problem that needs to be solved. there is so many difficult things and parts that is to be put together in certain way for the robot to work. once the robot is done it looks so awesome.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A paramilitary police officer carries the lifeless body of Alan Kurdi,  one of a dozen Syrian civil war refugees who drowned off the coastal town of Bodrum after a failed attempt to cross the Mediterranean on two boats bound for the Greek island of Kos.
I believe that was is not ok. Just because people don't do what you like. Peoples who starts war makes innocents peoples upset, who have nothing to do with this war some people have to move from their home that are filled with memory. After i read about what this picture is talking about i was very sad because there was so many families that might of died because of this war. All these peoples wanted was to be safe but they could not be safe if theres is a war going on.

Obit Moody
I think this is cruel because there's been many times that i was bullied or i have seen peoples who have been bullied that went threw a total break down at one point. On the internet i have read that people that killed themselves, and  hurt themselves. After what i read about the picture i was shocked because they fought what was right, not many people fight for what they want and they always run from what they want. If i can change anything i would fight for what i believe in.

China Tiananmen Then and Now
This picture made me feel mad because they are killing peoples. they can always make an agreement but sometimes they dont always happens, there are many other choices that can happen instead of wars which causes pollutants and resource loss. these nations can make use of these resources for better uses than fighting themselves. when i was reading this article about how this one man was rebelling against these armor machines, i was wondering why everyone can't do this to stop their nations from making a bloodshed and how they can save resources that were used for tanks for better things like electric cars. if i can i would

Friday, September 4, 2015

hi my name is Jonathan Lin i was born in New York. i have 5 tanks in my house, in one of my 40 gallon tank i have a community filled with guppies, mollies, cherry barbs, cherry shrimps, Siamese algae eater, and many other fish. i like to sell fish that i breed in my aquariums.