Monday, October 26, 2015

things i hate

There are many things that make me mad. One thing that  tick me off is when people steal from me and when people blame me for something that I didn't do. Another thing that makes me mad is when I think about me dad.

There are many reasons why I don't like my father. One of the many reasons why I hate thinking about my dad is because he was always drunk. Many times, he would come home drunk. Every time he came home, I would be scared to sleep. My father always gambled on days. He always had no time but still went gambling when he has a family he has to take care of but his selfishness ruined it.

Friday, October 16, 2015

thinking back at my grades that i currently have i think that i deserve those grades because there are things that i should of done but i never did. if i was to try there were things i would've finished but i did not try. so yes if i don't try i would have gotten a worst grade then i currently have.

i have learned many things in the past quarter for example in math i learned things that i have never seen or knew. i learned that there are so many things that i don't know and there is a lot of questions that i want to ask.

with this knowledge i know that i should try and learn more things that i have never knew.

i don't think that there is anything i want the teacher to know.

in the future i will try to get straight a's  i want to anticipate the better